29 September 2009

Ya Voy Al Cole De Mayores

First Day Done & Dusted

Where's Me Merienda Mummy?

Trying on my uniform with Grandma, Grandma

Amaya checks out my pencil case

Kicking my shoes off after a busy day

Doing a bit of architectural homework at the Richard Rogers exhibition

Hanging loose after school

11 September 2009

English Adventures

Lols In London
Aunty Sal gives me the run-around

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Uncle Kev just cracks me up

With Conor & Claire

Pub lunch with Aine

Entertaining Uncle Stu
On The Tube

Checking out pond life with Aunty Kath
Moody breakfast
Hitching a ride on the suit case-case
Pondering which knot to use on Uncle Neil, Martha and James

With Kitty & Kirstie

Queen Martha

Leading everyone down the garden path

Cuddles With Great Gram

On to Norfolk to wreck Gramma, Gramma, Grandpa's house

Practise my high jump

Hang around with Uncle Tony

And tell Great-Gran about my adventures