25 August 2009

Fab France

Camping's Never Been So Much Fun!
No Room For Daddy

Scary Mariposa!

Urgh! Don't Like These Snails!

Little Chimp

Nice Bit 'O' Jazz 

Quick Siesta

Family Portrait

17 August 2009

En vacance

Holiday shirt to get me in the mood

Glorious Collioure

On the cheesy tourist train - you can't beat it!

I don't believe it!

It's only Captain Haddock!

Daddy cuddles in Port Vendres

Cheesy grin for the butterflies

Romantic sunset

Checking out the sewage system

Monster faces

Collioure again

And again...

Taking Daddy for his constitutional

Beautiful coves

Own private beach near the campsite

Do the hokey-cokey and you turn around...

01 August 2009

End of an era

No more Gema, Carmen, Gema

So we all headed out to celebrate

For some fine wining and dining

Sergio led the cheers while I tried to escape in a light aircraft