25 July 2006

Fun in the sun

Eyeball to eyeball, the Paynes check each other out

Grand-dods Chris gets to grips with the young Payne

Post bathtime-trauma

Ryan holds court

Dozing on Grandma Val

Uncle Kev in the driving seat

Letting the grandparents take the strain for five minutes...

Hangin' with Dad

It's a hard life....

And they wonder why Ryan's already a ten-pounder...

20 July 2006

Abuelos Payne

Getting acquainted with Granma and Grand-Dods

Payne boys on the town

First family McPayne pic

Getting a good cuddle from Granma

Cruisin' around

15 July 2006

Week Two

Hanging with Dad

Just chillin'
Crazy camouflage action baby (with thanks to Aunty Kirstie for wardrobe and play mat) 

Let sleeping Ryans lie...

Little Frog Prince

11 July 2006

Ryan's First Few Days

Ah sucks Daddy, don't make me support Norwich!

First professional photoshoot

Chillin' by the phone

Born two hours into the 5th of July - Baby Ryan has his first cuddle